Wednesday, September 8, 2021

bored panda ghost stories

Mostly ghost towns, abandoned mines and such, but old ranch houses and other building can be interesting, too.In 2005, I was in central Nevada, heading for a week long exploring trip. I passed an old house on a large ranch property that I know had been inhabited just a few years earlier, but now appeared to be abandoned. No cars on the property, about half of the windows boarded up, etc.The front door was open, so after shouting out for any inhabitants with no response, I walked into the house.

bored panda ghost stories - Mostly ghost towns

A few windows were broken from the inside, and many of the few belongings left behind had been rummaged through and strewn about. I walked upstairs, and began walking from bedroom to bedroom. Pack rats had begun their takeover, and their droppings littered the floor.

bored panda ghost stories - I passed an old house on a large ranch property that I know had been inhabited just a few years earlier

I walked into what was once decorated as a little girls room. There was a cheap brass bed frame, and the mattress had been slid partially off the frame and onto the floor. Some clothes and toys sitting around would lead me to believe the girl was quite young. I peeked into the small closet, which was bare with the exception of a few wire hangers left on the rod.

bored panda ghost stories - No cars on the property

I raced to the window, and looked to the ground, expecting to see an injured little girl, but there was nothing there. I raced back downstairs and out of the house. I looked around as I walked back to my car, but saw nobody.She wasn't what I think of when I think of a ghost. There was no transparency, no foggy haze around her or anything like you would expect from a movie "ghost." I still don't know what the hell I saw.

bored panda ghost stories - A few windows were broken from the inside

I pulled into Austin, NV later that evening and met up with the group I was planning on exploring with. We went for drinks that night at a local bar, and after a few drinks they convinced me to tell my story to the bartender. He listened, and then asked me to confirm the location of the property. He was later located in Oregon, and largely suspected of killing his wife and daughter, however no bodies were ever found. I went back to that house 2 more times before it was burned down a few years back.

bored panda ghost stories - I walked upstairs

I never saw or heard anything unusual since my first visit. When my kids were little my oldest claimed they had an "imaginary friend" I've always been open to the super natural so I never dissuaded them. One night while lying in my bed I saw this little girl peek out from my kids bedroom. She had a white night gown and short brown hair with a ribbon in it.

bored panda ghost stories - Pack rats had begun their takeover

(she looked like from the 1800's to very early 1900's and we lived in a historic part of town) she giggled but no sound came out but I heard it in my head. She looked visibly frightened and ran back in to the room. It literally took longer to type this out than the situation itself. The next day my daughter looked at me dead pan "You met "Sarah" Momma? I said "how did you know? One Saturday night when I was a teenager, I had been at a friend's house and went home about 10 PM. When I got there no one else was home which I thought was odd, but I was sure they would be home soon.

bored panda ghost stories - I walked into what was once decorated as a little girls room

Time went by and they still were not home and I was getting nervous. I had never been home alone so late at night before. I looked out the kitchen window and at the end of the driveway under the street light a man stood looking toward our house. At first I thought it was our neighbor who walked his dog at all hours of the night. This was summer and the man was wearing an overcoat and a fedora. I then realized it was not the neighbor because he always wore shorts in the summer and he would not be wearing an overcoat.

bored panda ghost stories - There was a cheap brass bed frame

I had a border collie, named Elvis, of course, and he was very protective and had no fear of anything. The man started walking toward the back door , I could hear his footsteps as he walked on the gravel driveway. So I said to Elvis "Go get him" and let him out the back door. He went out the door like a shot, snarling and barking. Suddenly he got quiet and the next thing I knew, he started whining and whimpering and ran back into the house with his tail between his legs.

bored panda ghost stories - Some clothes and toys sitting around would lead me to believe the girl was quite young

I heard the footsteps continue toward the backdoor. Elvis and I ran out the front door and ran to my friends house and stayed there overnight. The had gone to a friends hunting camp and spent the night. My parents had no idea that I would be afraid to be home alone and didn't think to leave a note telling me they would not be home until the next day.

bored panda ghost stories - I peeked into the small closet

When I told them about the man and how Elvis reacted they thought I was making it up because I was mad about being left alone. This is my mother's experience in which I shared a small part. My mother's aunt was hospitalised at that time and had shrunk due to illness, she was in no condition to recognise or talk to anybody.

bored panda ghost stories - I raced to the window

We visited her at the hospital and my mom dreamt this the same night. My mother had a dream where her sick aunt came to visit us. Now in our mythology it is said that when a spirit is nearby or in your house you either smell a fishy odour or a fleshy odour.

bored panda ghost stories - I raced back downstairs and out of the house

When my mom was discussing the same with my uncle and nana, aunt entered the room and sat on the bed telling everyone that they were smelling fleshy odour. I was sleeping on the same bed where mom's aunt came and sat. When in my mother got scared she started screaming and chanting in her dreams. Aunt got up to the ceiling and fall back with teeth wide open on me.

bored panda ghost stories - I looked around as I walked back to my car

She noticed the clock and it was 1.40 midnight. Next day my mom called sick aunt's daughter and we came to know she died last night around 1.30. My mom says the dream is still fresh with her till date and she cannot explain it either why she saw this.

bored panda ghost stories - There was no transparency

I get goosebumps every time I share this story. We were all calling the voice mail at the house, several times a day, just to hear her voice. One day, about two weeks after she died, I called and heard my dad's robotic voice. When I asked why he recorded over her voice, he said one of his "friends" had called and told him it was creepy to hear her voice, so he got rid of it. To this day I still kick myself for not having recorded it. One night when I was 16, I came home late after being out with friends.

bored panda ghost stories - I pulled into Austin

After coming inside and locking the door, I saw a man in my hallway that I initially thought was my dad. I reached for and turned on the light and there was no one there. That night started 5-6 nights of dreams with this man in it where I progressively learned more and more about him. In the dream, he told me his name was Gavin and I was shown snippets of a horrible car crash in which he died. After waking up following the first night of dreams, I found I had lost my keys and wallet. I had them the night before, had driven home and let myself into the house with the keys.

bored panda ghost stories - We went for drinks that night at a local bar

My family and I searched high and low during this whole 6 day period while I was having the dreams, and my parents had to let me use their spare key to my car to get to school and work. When I was about 14 middle of the night, just me, my mom and baby sister in the house. I wake up hearing heavy footsteps walk up to the hall towards out bedrooms and stop. I turned icy cold, you know the sounds of people you live with, this wasn't one of them.

bored panda ghost stories - He listened

I was so scared then I hear my mom call my name from her bedroom, she sounds scared, "Did you hear that?" "Yes Mom". There used to be a coat rack by my door to my bedroom. At night when the light from the top of the stairs came under my door the coat rack looked like the faceless man from one of those horror movies. It didn't help that my dad watched a horror movie with me the day before.

bored panda ghost stories - He was later located in Oregon

I got so scared I ran into my parents room screaming and my dad got really mad. My mom ended up making me some tea and gave me a heart shaped pillow she had made and showed me that it was just a coat rack. A long time ago I hung out with an odd bunch of people. Ken was one of them and he kind of acted as a big brother and watched out for me. But he was from another part of the country and he got word that his mom was sick so he packed up and left. I lived in a house on a dead end that had 3 houses on it.

bored panda ghost stories - I went back to that house 2 more times before it was burned down a few years back

One night I was coming home from work and pulled into the dead end street and saw Ken at the front door waiting for me. But when I pulled up, I couldn't find him. I walked all around the house; there just wasn't any place he could have gone. He didn't have a car anyway, but went I met up with the rest of my friends I asked if anyone had heard from Ken. He'd been at my house and I couldn't find him. Does anyone know if he's back and where he is?

bored panda ghost stories - I never saw or heard anything unusual since my first visit

It got awkward; finally someone told me Ken was dead. He'd been in a car accident and didn't make it. Coldrick told Bored Panda that his inspiration for the series of creepy stories sprung from his love for horror films, books, and spooky internet stories.

bored panda ghost stories - When my kids were little my oldest claimed they had an

I worked for criminal attorneys for 22 years. But the creepiest story I can remember is a young man who came in to see one of our biggest criminal attorneys. I put him in a conference room and shut the door. I went back to my desk which had a window in front of it that looks straight out onto the conference room. One minute I looked up and I met eyes with that guy and I have never felt something so creepy in my entire life.

bored panda ghost stories - One night while lying in my bed I saw this little girl peek out from my kids bedroom

The attorney came out and met with him and left, after I told the attorney what I felt. And he said well you have every right to feel that way because he murdered three people and he is out on appeal. Getting into that car felt like signing my death sentence. So we get about 6 hours in, and at this point, I start to think I was being ridiculous, and a wave of calmness just washes over me. My dad passes an underpass and everything just shifts.

bored panda ghost stories - She had a white night gown and short brown hair with a ribbon in it

I feel like I saw everything in slow motion for a whole 4 or so minutes. My parents were joking beforehand, but their faces moved so slowly, and then the light in the car started to shift. This was the scary part because I thought I must have been going insane. For a few seconds, there was a huge illumination of light into our car, and I looked at my family, and could not tell who they were or what they meant to me. And then it's like everything just came back.

bored panda ghost stories - she looked like from the 1800

The light shifted back, and I knew who everyone was, but it felt like something imperceptible had changed. One day when she was pregnant with my older brother, she was in the passenger seat while my father was driving. Now, my mother recognized the voice as the same voice who saved her from the exploding light bulb, so she immediately complied. A few minutes passed when suddenly, the car drove over black ice, and my father lost control over the car. The car ended up flipping over a few times before coming to a stop.

bored panda ghost stories - She looked visibly frightened and ran back in to the room

When my mother opened her eyes, she saw that there was glass absolutely everywhere, and that there was blood on her . A woman saw the crash so she got out of the car to help my mother and father. The whole times, she stayed with my mother because she was obviously pregnant. A little later, EMS arrived and brought my parents to the hospital to see if they were alright.

bored panda ghost stories - It literally took longer to type this out than the situation itself

3.) My husband died in December of 2014. I found him in the kitchen kneeling on the floor with his body on a chair clutching the phone. Called 911 all that but he was gone, no bringing him back. I was watching a movie and it was dark in the house and raining out. I looked towards the kitchen and there is Charlie coming towards me, he looks really mad! I just said "Okay I see you, please stop scaring me." All my hair was up and I was freaked out!

bored panda ghost stories - The next day my daughter looked at me dead pan

He disappeared and I've never seen him again. I've also heard lots of random odd noises and the cats will just stared at nothing for the longest of times. I always wonder who he was trying to call.

bored panda ghost stories - One Saturday night when I was a teenager

There was a message from his mom on the answering machine. When I was about 7 or 8 I was in bed unable to sleep at the time and I didn't know why . I felt weird, like someone was looking or watching me. So I started looking around my room and I looked at the door and there was a dark silhouette of a women in what looked like a dress. I thought it was my mom making sure I was asleep, so I said "HI mom, I just can't sleep but I'll go to sleep", but she didn't answer. After a couple of minutes the shadow toke one step in my room then my parents door opened and it disappeared, from that day forward I never slept with my door open ever again.

bored panda ghost stories - When I got there no one else was home which I thought was odd

There are many reasons why one might enjoy a good horror story. One, for example, is the adrenaline rush, after being scared. The other is that some of us like to experience an overwhelming amount of complex emotions. It also helps, that the scary stories are not happening to you, so you can still feel relatively safe while experiencing it. And bigger doesn't always mean better, especially when it comes to scary stuff.

bored panda ghost stories - Time went by and they still were not home and I was getting nervous

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